Friday, March 20, 2009

Some Insight into the GOP Party of NO

"Cruel people are ever cowards in emergency."
--Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)

Remember the republicans who want to prosecute doctors for performing abortions, or even giving contraceptive advice for billions in poverty due to serious population and ecological pressures? Remember the republicans who want to change public policy on the environment and more to the obvious public detriment, because science disagrees with their political and religious idealogy? Remember the republicans who deride others as traitors or want to throw persons into prison without due process just because they disagree with them, forget the explicit provisions otherwise in our constitution. . .Shall we go on? A cruel and insensitive lot, to be sure.

True to form, in this economic crisis the GOP Party of NO has derided and obstructed every serious attempt to ameliorate it without any valid response otherwise, prolonging the hardships of the American people. The republicans perceive partisan gain a value above all, damn the rest of us. They have shown themselves to be utterly cowardly and self-serving in this great emergency!

Keep the bums out of power.


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