Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Another Great Quote

"America owes most of its social prejudices to the exaggerated religious opinions of the different sects which were so instrumental in establishing the colonies."--- James Fenimore Cooper


Sunday, November 12, 2006

A Quote for Thought

"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind."--- John F. Kennedy

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Friday, November 10, 2006

New L I B E R A L Media. . .

Check it out on the Sidebar Now!

-A post election, hilarious new animation by Mark Fiore entitled:

Midterm Comedy


Thursday, November 09, 2006

An Open Letter to Rep. John Mica (r-Florida):

Mr. Mica,

What a Failure You Are!

You serve on the House Committee on Transportation and Infranstructure as the Aviation Subcommittee Chairman-

You have done nothing to improve in reality airline baggage screening and explosive detection systems, other than to make Americans more afraid. You are largely responsible for Americans being less safe from terrorists today than since 9/11.

You serve on the House Subcommittee on Highways, Transit and Pipelines-

While you have supported giving away billions to republican porkbarrel projects in this area, you have supported nothing meaningful to secure our highways and pipelines from terrorist attacks.

You serve on the House Subcommittee on Railroads-

You have done nothing to meaningfully secure our commercial railroad and passenger services other than to gut funding to that end.

You serve on the House Committee on Govt Reform-

This is one of your grievest failures, since you have done nothing to help prevent the corruption and perversion of your fellow republican members.

You serve on the House Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources-

You have done nothing to support meaningful reform or prevent a single crime. Particularly, the crime rate in Florida continues to soar.

You serve on the Subcommitte on Civil Service and Agency Organization-

You have done nothing other than to help create a monstrously ineffective new government secretariat, while you gutted the rights of the workers who serve in it.

Is there any need to go on. . .

You are a disgrace to my country and the great body in which you serve. What are the people of your district thinking by reelecting someone with your record? I am afraid they do not now what it is you have NOT done for them!

A Palm Coast, FL Resident

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(This post, perhaps of untypically local interest, is also printed at OpEdNews.com- click on the title link.)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Blue Day in America

Well, not a moment too soon. . .

After six years of marching towards mirages while lost in the desert wilderness of delusional Bush administration policies, the American people have finally seen the reality of a new promised land. Bush, his neo-con warmongering advisors and corporate mentors may have been at least on the surface, relegated to the sand dunes of history- it seems.

It was a long, glorious night of counting votes and rearranging the political map of the U.S (see http://www.electoral-vote.com). Let's hope that it means real change. Yet, it may be too late for any substantive progress in ending the bloodshed and chaos in Iraq, or the incompetent management of government and the economy at home- at least until all vestiges of the Bush administration are gone from the scene.

We shall see. Best of luck to the new Democratic majority in the houses of Congress!


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Repugs Losing Senate Contests

Most of us know, Democrats must gain six seats to capture control of the Senate this Nov. 7. . .

Now it seems, recapturing the Senate will probably be the more difficult challenge for the repugs. So, reports are now coming in that the RSCC (Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the RNC (Republican National Committee) are revving up their slimeball, negative ad machine, prepared to back it up with tons of money in the final days of the campaign.

These ads will be produced overwhelmingly for the flailing Sen. George Allen in a re-election race that is far tougher than expected, for foot-in-mouth disease ridden Sen. Conrad Burns in Montana and trailing badly Sen. Lincoln Chafee in in Rhode Island. It appears the other closely contested senatorial races aren't even worthy of support anymore, because they are no longer winnable- lol. How things change.

These formerly 'safe' seats are a good indication of the likely outcome of the political races across the country in favor of the Democrats next week.

On to Victory!!!


New Entry at Huffpo. . .

. . .everyone please check out the flash animated entry by PLANET REVOLUTION at Huffington Post's Contagious Festival for November. Just click on the link below:

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