Saturday, July 02, 2011

Happy Birthday America. . .

In Philadelphia at Independence Hall, 236 years ago this weekend, John Adams proclaimed that July 2, 1776 would open the most memorable epoch in the history of the world!

On that day that the Continental Congress declared the 13 colonies of the United States of America free and independent of Great Britain, once and for all time.  This act of democracy was original in kind and adopted by the whole 'elected' body in that Philadelphia hovel, called today Independence Hall.  It signaled the advent of the Modern World, as we now know it in historical context. . .

It was two days later, July 4, when Thomas Jefferson’s formal document of succession from the Crown, then referred to as a Declaration of Independence, was adopted by the whole 'elected' body as legitimate in response to the July 2, 1776 vote.

Happy Birthday America!