Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Disproportionately Dead

An important study from New Hampshire's Carsey Institute, which specializes in studying rural America shows that our dead in Iraq are disproportionately from rural America. The death rate for soldiers from rural areas (only 24 per million adults aged 18 to 59) is 60% higher than the death rate for those soldiers from cities and suburbs. Vermont has the highest rate of casualties, followed by Delaware, South Dakota, and Arizona.

Evidence shows that the utter lack of opportunity in rural areas simply leaves more young people there with fewer alternatives to the military because of repug social policies. The opportunity differential between rural and urban America is higher now than at any time in the past. Also, only 1/10th of one percent (again overwhelmingly disproportionately rural!) of the population have served. No wonder it's been easy for so many Americans to ignore such a catastrophic war.

This illegal, ugly, deadly, incompetently run war has to end immediately!