Thursday, October 26, 2006

Iraq Reality for American Soldiers

This is the reality for American soldiers day after day in exotic Iraq:

-It is a place most of them have not seen, nor like any other desert, including those in the American Southwest and Mexico of which some of them may be cursorily familiar.

-It is the place of a language most of them do not speak, nor have before heard. For fear, it is not like anything one may hear even in Detroit these days.

-It is the place of a social order most of them do not understand. The politics of revenge there is not what even those from the meanest streets of our biggest cities know.

American Soldiers on a Mission from Hell in Iraq

The Muslim fanatics there have already won this 'war', just as surely as the Christian fanatics here have lost it. Hopefully, it won't take more than a century for these deluded adherents to figure this out, as was true in the Middle Ages.

So, be damned the attempt to impose some 'notion of democracy' on the Iraqis', and they are not even sure that's who they are. They work against America at every turn. They hate us. They kill our soldiers because our soldiers kill them. They just plain don't want us there!

So why are we there? It is because of the arrogance of greedy, warmongering American psuedo-intellectual advocates of hegemony, and the hubris and stupidity of those who have enthusiatically waged this faraway war for them. Sadly, those too have been persuaded to insidiously and calculatingly wage war as well on their own people's 'notion of democracy'. . .

(Click on the Title Link to see a reprint of this post as an article at An edited version of this article with a specific Halloween twist can be found in my diary at at this url: . Thanks!)

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See Article at

Click on the title link to read an article by this author at!
-It is a summary of the latest data on poverty in America by the Census Bureau (and also an edited reprint of a past post at PLANET REVOLUTION).

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Now Open. . .

. . .the Repug Closet!
-one can only hope that the 'christian' kook crowd is rolling in it's newly dug grave. . .

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Friday, October 06, 2006

The Foley Follies

Initially, a scumbag like ex-Rep. Foley was not going to be the subject of posts on this blog. He is a disgrace to his country. Anything about him is best left to the MSM. To call the sick closet-case 'gay' is an insult to gay people everywhere. He is a self-loathing, opportunistic slimeball interested in only his own ambition and personal gratification.

Still, after hearing the slimey repugs- born again christians all, begin to blame the democrats for the Foley scandal has really gone beyond the pale. For them to claim, and it is a reference here to Drudge and many ulta-right repug Reps saying now the dems leaked this info to the press after having known of it for quite some time, is a new low even for repug spinmeistering. Talk about killing the messenger (if it were even true), they want Pelosi et al dragged up by sopoena to answer to the Congress and Justice Dept. for their scandal. Orwell is turning in his grave. . . Bill Clinton will be blamed next, no doubt (lol)!

The Facts:

-Reps and staffers of high level repugs in the house warned the leadership of Foley's behavior years ago.

-ABC and other news outlets who broke the story have stated publicly that their sources were 'repugs'.

Enough said! All of the Rove bs in the world wont change that. . .


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Sunday, October 01, 2006


See PLANET REVOLUTION's latest entry at Huffington Post's Contagious Festival!

Click on the Title Link and be prepared to Laugh out Loud. . .
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