Saturday, January 29, 2005

Renowned Gay Architect Dead

The force behind the 'International Style' of modern architecture dead at 98:

Openly gay architect Philip Johnson, whose austere 'glass box' buildings and latter-day more whimsical designs made him one of the most influential architects of the 20th century, has died at 98 in his New Canaan, Conn. home. He leaves behind his longtime lover of 45 years, David Whitney.

Johnson was one of architecture's most recognizable figures, with his trademark black, round-rimmed glasses that gave him a distinctive, owlish look.

Johnson's work, which spanned more than half a century, included one of San Francisco's most beautiful structures, 101 California Street. He was the major force behind the 'International Style' of modern architecture, epitomized by his design (along with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe) of the Seagram building in New York City. Yet, his influence became just as much post-modern and beyond.

With his business partner, John Burgee, Johnson also designed the AT&T building in New York City (now the Sony building); the Bank of America building in Houston, a 56-story tower of pink granite stepped back in a series of Dutch gable roofs; and the Cleveland Playhouse, a complex with the look and feel of an 11th-century town.

Despite Johnson's early dabblings in right-wing philosophy and politics, his later years were marked by great philanthropic endeavors (especially associated with the Museum of Modern Art in New York City) and support of many progressive causes.

Pulitzer Prize-winning architecture critic Paul Goldberger pronounced him "the greatest architectural presence of our time. . .There's no question that he used his fame for the betterment of architecture. ."

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Friday, January 28, 2005

STOP Abstinence Only Sex Ed

Comprehensive sex education programs have been proven to reduce teenage pregnancy rates, yet no federal dollars are invested in these programs. Instead, funding has been poured into Abstinence Only Until Marriage programs, even though there is no evidence these programs work. And, according to a new report from Representative Henry Waxman (D-California), abstinence-only programs present false information about the effectiveness of condoms and the risk of abortion, as well as misinformation on other sexual and reproductive health issues.

Join the Sierra Club in it's efforts to Stop Abstinence Only Sex Ed! Tell your Congressperson to oppose funding for the Abstinence-Only Until Marriage program of the Bush administration.

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Saturday, January 22, 2005

A Quote for Thought:

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."
--- John Stuart Mill

No Observers for Iraq Election Farce

As further evidence that the upcoming Iraqi 'elections' will be nothing but a farce, note this from today's Washington Post :

". . .There will be no neutral outside group deployed across Iraq to determine whether voters are impeded, ballot boxes are stuffed, any party tries to interfere with the process or votes are counted fairly. No congressional delegation will monitor the polls, and the European Union announced last week that it had declined an invitation from Iraq to send observers. The Carter Center, which has monitored more than 50 elections overseas, also decided not to send observers. . ."

The Sad Reality:

1) This 'election' can logistically be held in barely half the country, because of the actual control over much of the country by insurgents.

2) The parts of the country where a semblance of an 'election' can be held will be done under the threat of almost certain mayhem.

3) It is likely that no one, whether participants or not will accept the outcome.

Who does the Bush administration think it is fooling by going forward here? The frightening specter of civil war looms its head ever higher as this preposterous plan is carried out. All the while the administration hides it's head in the sand!

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Sunday, January 16, 2005

Backlash Against Gays a Myth

--from Stonewall Democratic Club of San Francisco website at:

Many in the LGBT community feel that the last election expressed the "backlash" of American society against the progress of the gay rights movement. We beg to differ. Read what Martin Luther King, Jr. had to say on the subject in relation to the black civil rights movement. He stated, “There is really no white backlash, because that gives the impression that the nation had decided it was going to solve this problem and then there was a step back because of development in the civil rights movement. Now, the fact is that America has been backlashing on the civil rights question for centuries now.… The backlash is merely the surfacing of prejudices, of hostilities, of hatreds and fears that already existed and they are just now starting to open.”

In actuality, 2004 was a year of great accomplishment in the battle for LGBT civil rights. We achieved things that once seemed impossible. This includes the 'legal' marriage of more than 4,000 couples in Massachusetts. A successful national lobbying campaign gained enough votes in Congress to defeat the Federal Marriage Amendment. Plus, important decisions in the courts furthered our rights under the U. S. Constitution.

Our society has moved towards equality only when challenged. A "backlash" isn’t a reaction, it is the expression of resentments, misunderstandings and yes, hate that already exist just under the surface. Battles over civil rights are never easy, but throughout our nation’s history, these battles have resulted in the expansion of equality to people who had previously been denied them. So, take heart that our struggle will be won! We need but continue the fight.

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Monday, January 10, 2005

Dems United in Blocking Bush

By Dan Balz, Washington Post Staff Writer-- Monday, January 10, 2005

As President Bush prepares for his second term, Democrats in Washington and around the country are organizing for a year of confrontation and resistance, saying they are determined to block Bush's major initiatives and thereby deny him the mandate he has claimed from his reelection victory last November. . .

H U R R A Y ! ! !

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Torture Advocate to Testify

Torture advocate and former White House Counsel, Alberto R. Gonzales is expected to be talk of the town Thursday. He goes before the Senate Judiciary Committee for hearings on his nomination to become attorney general. Finally, progressive organizations are beginning to line up in opposition to his appointment. It will be interesting to see how he is questioned by Dems on the committee. Let's hope he doesn't get a free ride!

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Monday, January 03, 2005

In Memorium

Ken Matsui, California congressman and House leader, died this past weekend in Maryland. His wisdom will be missed.

Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to Congress and a candidate for the presidency in 1972, died this past weekend in Florida.

Great inspirations to us all and Planet Patriots both !

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Saturday, January 01, 2005

NEW- What Liberals Think -NEW

With the Bush adminstration and the Congress about to go into attack mode this month, the question arises:
How Safe Is Social Security?

Please, take the new PLANET REVOLUTION Poll!

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