Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Reality of Afghanistan for Our Soldiers. . .

This is the reality for American soldiers day after day in exotic Afghanistan:

It is a place most of them have not seen before, nor like any other desert or mountains, including those in the American Southwest and Mexico of which many of them come and are familiar. -It is the place of a language most of them do not speak, nor have even before heard. The fear of  gangland type killing is not like anything Detroit or any other American city offers.  It is the place of a social order most of them do not understand. The politics of revenge there are palpable daily.


American soldiers here are on a mission from a continuous hell.  Muslim fanatics have already won, just as surely as Christian fanatics that brought us here have lostHopefully, it won't take a long time before the deluded conservatives in American government figure this out.

So, be damned the attempt to impose some 'notion of democracy' on the Afghans- they are not even sure that's who they are. They work against America at every turn. They hate us. They kill our soldiers because our soldiers kill them. They just plain don't want us there! So why are we there? It is because of the arrogance of greedy, warmongering American psuedo-intellectual advocates of hegemony, and the hubris and stupidity of those who have enthusiastically waged this faraway war for them. Sadly, those too have been persuaded to insidiously and calculatingly wage war as well on their own people's 'notion of democracy'.

The ancient Greeks, the British and Russia have learned the folly of trying to subjugate Afghanistan.  This is a lesson of history.  Why can't we learn this?


Saturday, February 19, 2011

For the Courageous and Honorable Rep. Speier

Hurray for Rep. Speier, I worked on her campaign years ago. She probably doesn't remember me, but I know what a stalwart she is for women's rights! I am proud to have made the acquaintance of such a great American. . . Her statement on the floor of the House of Representatives this week was a tremendous uplift and bright light to women everywhere.

When I was very young and foolishly straight, I impregnated a beautiful young woman. We were smart and from privileged backgrounds.  This was such an easy time for us, hah.  During our high school relationshiop, we went to Planned Parenthood as savvy teenagers (encourage all to do) to discuss the options of a sexual relationship, previous. They provided a wonderfully informative program that layed out real options, way beyond the rote sex ed stuff of our 'liberal' schooling  (unfortunately, most kids today dont even get that, because of the influence of fundamentalist kooks invading our school boards).

An accident occurred. . .Planned Parenthood in their goodness and expertise, saved our lives.  They provided a safe, secure and loving environment for a legal abortion.  I have no regrets and the lovely young woman of this story went on the have a fine 'planned' family.

To this day, Planned Parenthood provides important family planning education and services, esp to the underprivileged and underserved.  These are those who need it most.

Don't let Congress cut off funding for this essential service!  The right wing in control of government now does not understand the informed gift of science available for reproductive health.  They are confused by religious fanaticism and political opportunism.

Contact and support:


Monday, February 14, 2011

Just Because-- Washington Irving:

"Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart."

--Washington Irving  (1783-1859)

The best short story writer of all time, perhaps.  Another great American. . .  The goal here is to showcase them all!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oust the Egyptian Dictator Now

Egypt now presents the inevitable course of dictatorships in modern times.  Their unwillingness to leave when the opportunity presents itself civily, reinforces the arrogance and stupidity of the entrenched power accumulated over years of oppresssion.

Mubarak is a thug with a tin ear for the necessary interests of the people he purports to be the benificent patriarch.  Egypt is ready to move on and join the democratic world.  They have a solid middle class and are generally well educated by African and middle eastern standards.  In any case, Egyptians deserve the blessings of democratic society and are crying out for it desperately, on the streets.  Its their turn.

Mubarak's arrogance was exemplified by his rambling speech this evening. . .Where has he been for the last two plus weeks?  In a cave.  That he is aware of the situation completely is obvious- he knows everything that is happening. He implies a coming conflagration to keep his authority, the dangerous fool.  Then, his so-called heir apparent comes on the air soon after, blaming the political crisis on foreign media.  Are they joking, dumb or just indifferent?  With these secretive types the answers are not obvious.

The matter will be decided by the military here, as in so many similar revolutionary situations.  This conscript army will have to decide among its junior and mid level officer corps whether to continue to support the corrupt generals and upper echelons of government, or the common people of whom they are composed.

We shall see how it plays out over the next few day. . . Please, wish for a peaceful outcome.


Sunday, February 06, 2011

To the Egyptian People from a Great American:

"There is no freedom without struggle. . ."
--Frederick Douglass (1818- 1895)


--Stay Firm!  We are with you.  Continue to. . .