Wednesday, June 29, 2005

More Bush BS

As predicted, Bush’s latest Iraqi 'policy' (word used loosely) speech was actually a rehashing of the same tired material he’s been using on Iraq for years and we're not going into that crap again here.

He even invoked the name of Osama Bin Laden (heretofore seemingly forgotten by him) two distinct times. More shockingly, yet expectedly, he played the unsubstantiated 9/11-Iraq card, not once, but twice, thrice. . .five mentions in all for the terrorist attack that everyone else knows but him apparently, had absolutely nothing to do with the war in Iraq. This administration just doesn't know how NOT to lie.

Sadly- no new policy, no new strategy. . .

--Bush gets the prize for including more bullshit and lies in a single 'foreign policy' speech than any other president since Richard Nixon!


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Stop FDA Appointment!

Bush has nominated another rightwing Christian fundamentalist kook- Lester Crawford, who has helped block attempts to improve women's access to birthcontrol, for the top job at the FDA. One major example: during his tenure as acting commissioner, the FDA has ignored the recommendation from its own scientific and medical experts and blocked an application to make the morning-after pill available without a prescription.

Take action today to block his appointment to FDA:
Click on the Link in this post and speak out with Sens. Patty Murray from Washington and Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, who are holding up his nomination until the FDA acts on the application.

Also, urge your senators to join Sens. Murray and Clinton and oppose Crawford!


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Frist Follies

Sen. Frist has proven to be no better a doctor than he has a majority leader!

Note this from Salon Magazine:

The results of Terri Schiavo's autopsy are in, and they make one Senate Majority Leader look very foolish. According to Pinellas-Pasco, Florida medical examiner Jon Thogmartin, Schiavo's brain had suffered massive and irreversible damage; it "weighed 615 grams, roughly half of the expected weight of a human brain." Thogmartin also refuted assertions from Shiavo's parents and some members of the GOP that Schiavo could have recovered: "This damage was irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons."

But the kicker for those who tuned in to the footage of Schiavo seeming to follow the movement of helium balloons with her eyes is that the autopsy results show that "the vision centers of her brain were dead." In other words, Schiavo was blind!

. . .[It] is pretty much the opposite of what Bill Frist said in his "diagnosis" of Schiavo's condition back in March. Speaking from the Senate floor during a special late-night session, Frist disputed Schiavo's doctors' diagnosis of persistent vegetative state. "I question it based on a review of the video footage which I spent an hour or so looking at last night in my office," he said in a lengthy speech in which he quoted medical texts and standards. "She certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli [lol]."

-I take back a recent post asking readers to call Congress for a doctor's appointment. . .

Blog On

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Apology to Edwards

In a recent post, "Wannabe Dem Preses Out of Touch!", I criticized Mr. Edwards for seemingly criticizing Dean's latest slam against the rich repubs. I am afraid I took Mr. Edwards remarks out of context (as did the newspaper where I got the quote!).

At the One America Committe Blog I read the whole of his remarks in response to a comment to my post above, directing me there. It is clear Edwards is quite 'sympatico' with the Dean statement, clarifying and identifying with it in less clumsy language than Dean's, perhaps. It's nice to know Mr. Edwards is still on the side of the poor and working class and isn't afraid to say so!

KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT EDWARDS!!! (Click on the Link to read the entire text and this response!)
-my post's remarks about Biden STAND-

Blog On

Pres Bush TOTALLY Out of Touch!

"A clear majority of Americans say President Bush is ignoring the public's concerns and instead has become distracted by issues that most people say they care little about, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

The survey found that 58 percent of those interviewed said Bush is mainly concentrating in his second term on problems and partisan squabbles that these respondents said were unimportant to them. Four in 10--41 percent--said the president was focused on important problems--a double-digit drop from three years ago.

. . .According to the poll, nearly eight in 10 Democrats say Bush is not concentrating on issues they personally view as vital while three out of four Republicans disagree.

Ominously for Bush and the Republicans, a strong majority of self-described political independents--68 percent--say they disagreed with the president's priorities. That suggests Bush's mixed record in the second term on issues the public views as critical--particularly on Iraq and the economy--may be as much a liability for GOP candidates in next year's mid-term election. . .

Overall, the president's job approval rating stood at 48 percent, virtually identical to where it was last month. Currently 52 percent of the public disapproves of the job Bush is doing as president, the highest negative rating of his performance since taking office.

Continuing violence in Iraq continues to fuel negative views of the White House. Four in 10 Americans currently approve of the job that Bush is doing in Iraq while 58 percent disapproved. It marked the 13th consecutive month that less than half of the country approved of Bush's handling of the situation in Iraq.

A total of 1,002 randomly selected adults were interviewed June 2-5 for this survey. Margin of sampling error for the overall results is plus or minus 3 percentage points."

-from the Washington Post

What can I say?


Monday, June 06, 2005

Wannabe Dem Preses Out of Touch!

DNC Chairman Howard Dean said Thursday that perhaps Republicans can wait in line to cast ballots because a "lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives."

Asked whether Dean is doing the party any good, Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del) said, "Not with that kind of rhetoric. He doesn't speak for me with that kind of rhetoric. And I don't think he speaks for the majority of Democrats. . . . I wish that rhetoric would change."

John Edwards, the party's vice presidential nominee last year, said at an annual party fundraising dinner Saturday in Nashville that he disagreed with Dean's comment. "The chairman of the DNC is not the spokesman for the party," Edwards said, according to the Associated Press. "He's a voice. I don't agree with it."

-Biden and Edwards, two of the wannabe dem candidates for pres in 08 are just out of touch! It's why if they continue to equivocate and fence sit on attitudes and issues important to the dem party base- they will lose. America already has a repub party. If its a choice between two of them, they will choose the original- guaranteed!

Dean's remarks reflect not only reality, but the heartfelt opinions of the dem party base and working America in general. It is the touch of reality a dem candidate of the people should 'feel the pain' of- like the last successful dem candidate for pres did.

It's time dem leaders and wannabe pres candidates stopped worrying about offending the rich and start defending the rest of us. Otherwise, we are consigned to another round of repub plutocrat rule!