Monday, November 29, 2004

Bush Blasts Kelly Book!

There is a fascinating discussion of Kitty Kelly's book on the Bushes by M. Stoller at bopnews. Click on our critical resource link- Blogging of the President or the link in this post to comment- or just comment here.

Blog On

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

New House Rules Protect DeLay


GOP Pushes Rule Change to Protect DeLay's Post

House Republicans proposed changing their rules Tuesday night (hoping no one would notice) to allow members indicted by state grand juries to remain in a leadership post, a move that would benefit Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), according to GOP leaders.

--la cage aux folles. . .

Blog On!

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Smart People Voted Kerry!

Click on the link in this post for a breakdown of the IQs of folks, broken down by state, who voted for each candidate. It tells the whole story!

Blog On

Friday, November 12, 2004

New 527 to Sponsor Vote Recount!

Created in response to increasing evidence of overwhelming voting fraud in the last election, the Help America Recount Fund is a new 527 fund, affiliated with and the National Ballot Integrity Project.

The sole purpose of the Help America Recount Fund is to finance presidential ballot recounts in Ohio, Florida and elsewhere, for the 2004 election.

Go to Help America Recount to donate.

Or for more information, contact them at You can also reach them at Help America Recount Fund, Law Offices of Lowell Finley, 1604 Solano Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94707-2109-- thanks Ralph

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Article on Gay Electoral Losses

I have written an expanded version of a recent post I made on this blog, concerning Gay electoral losses. You can find it here:

Indymedia US

--or, just click on the open publishing newswire link at the top of the right hand column of the mainpage! Articles are in chronological order.

Love for y'all to post your comments


*Latest Liberal Link

Another great link suggested by our progressive friends for your consideration is:


Sponsored by Working Assets- a well known progressive force known to many of us (as well as a former employer to yours truly- don't know I've missed it till now)-this website is full of important up to date info and activist resources and promotion! Worth checking out.

It has been added to this blog's CRITICAL RESOURCES, too.


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

New Common Cause Link in CRITICAL RESOURCES




What is DNC to answer for?

Interesting Blog Thread below:

Title: DNC Chair Open ThreadLink:

Blogging for the President

--this blog can also be linked to by clicking the 'Blogging of the President' link under Critical Resources.

Or just comment here!

Blog On

Sign Voter Fraud Petition

Click on this link to an online petition that will be sent to every member of Congress, demanding an investigation into the theft of this election.

Encourage everyone to sign!

Blog On

Gay Electoral Losses Stunning

The election losses for gays and lesbians were stunning:

11 new state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage. Most of these actually make illegal civil union arrangements already in place!

The election of four new Republicans to the Senate, including two, Tom Coburn in Oklahoma and Jim DeMint in South Carolina, who unabashedly denigrate gays openly.

The re- election of President Bush, who has endorsed a federal constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

The ascendancy of an ever growing number of activist republican gays, who remarkably work and vote against their own civil rights, in favor of the right wing ideology of severly limited government and military expansion.

Contact Your Reps and Senators!

Either click on the link in this post or the Contact Congress link under CRITICAL RESOURCES in this Blog, to find all the resources you need to contact your representatives in Washington. Phone numbers, websites, email- everything broken down simply state by state. A wonderful resource for the activist! Check it OUT. . .

Keep sending me your suggestions folks- thanks much.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Ashcroft Headed to High Court?

The latest from Stirling Newberry (click on link) indicates that with the resignation of John Ashcroft from the Justice Dept. the way has been layed for his nomination to the Supreme Court. Unknown at this writing is whether it is for Chief Justice or not.

If true, the implication is that Bush is itching for a fight with the Dems in the Senate, having every intention of 'capitalizing on his mandate'.

Stay tuned for more info.

Any further postings on this matter highly encouraged!


Kerry to UNconcede?


Apparently there is an email out there from a well-known Washington Lawyer (see below) indicating that Kerry may Unconcede if there is further evidence of massive voter fraud, particularly in Ohio?? Will someone post with more info- perhaps the email?

(Cynthia L. Butler
1717 K St. NW Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036)

Monday, November 08, 2004

Bush Bloviates Bile

Just a Few Examples:

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."
- George W. Bush on nat'l television (Dec. 18, 2000)------------------

"We’re supposed to have guns. It says so in the Bible; and the second greatest book ever written, the Texas State Constitution."
- Wyoming Weekly Journal (Mar. 2000)-----------------------

"What’s all this whining about the environment? They’re always talking about ‘stop the clearcuts.’ I mean do the math people. If we were out of trees then we wouldn’t have any clearcuts to be complaining about now would we?"- The National Speculator (March 2000------


Sunday, November 07, 2004

Free Cat Stevens MP3

--The song "Peace Train" and the artist Cat Stevens, who has been in the news of late, are most relevant to the world situation. A classic ANTI-WAR selection for everyone's mp3 collection- FREE!
Just click on the link or the Logo and on the Free Media page, play the media player and download the song to your computer! FREE!
A courtesy to our visitors and the progressive community.


It's Your World- FIGHT BACK

The Cause

Progressives Unite!

Progressives unite!
We can no longer tolerate the deterioration of America into a corporatist, police state any longer. The right must be fought and organized against. The revolution begins now. Let's talk about it! Let's organize! Let's fight back!
posted by Planet Patriot at 4:32 PM

Leslie said...
I agree!
9:05 PM
Ladnar the Great said...
Missuse of power is the greatest evil and a disaster for the world. Corporate greed, fed by media mind contol over the masses prowling Walmart, has all investor's arms twisted behind their backs, making them afraid of "Rocking the Boat". Gathering support for fighting this insanity is not going to be as difficult as doing so without causing chaos. The revolution must appeal the the mind and good sense of the "normal" person, not just americans, but world wide. Nonviolence must be at the front of our campaign with the advent of a pacifist group capable of inspiring great emotion in preserving world resourses.
1:49 PM
Scott said...
The answer is in an open mind, honesty, sacrifice, strength, unity, peace, education, willingness, and Allah.
12:00 AM

Please advise of progressive internet resources??

Looking for any and all to advise and contribute web resource links that promote, inform and otherwise advise the progressive movement for addition to the CRITICAL RESOURCES links section of this blog. thanks for your consideration and input!

Massive Evidence of Voter Fraud!!!

Please click on my link or go to the group website below to read of massive evidence of voter fraud being revealed across the country! its fascinating and frightening. --Published on Saturday, November 6, 2004 by
Evidence Mounts That The Vote Was Hacked
by Thom Hartmann

Friday, November 05, 2004

How Bush's Brain Works!

Bush Won't Compromise!

hey all

--did anyone happen to catch bush's response to a reporter's question yesterday. it concerned whether he will be appointing a democrat to his cabinet in an effort at reconciliation with a divided electorate. bush's response (in his evergrowing arrogance and conceit): 'perhaps you didn't see the results of the election!'-implying outright that he has no intention of compromising with the dems on anything, as was further made clear by other remarks to the press yesterday. instead of bush growing into a statesman, therein necessarily realizing the importance of governing from the center and including the opposition in some sort of governing alliance- as almost all past presidents have done with such a divided public to govern- he remains petty, cynical and dismissive of his opposition and will obviously continue his radical right agenda- and be damned anyone who disagrees! i fear the most dangerous menace to the republic ever has raised its ugly head.

growing afraid