One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. . .
Go to the sidebar resources and get their email addresses and phone numbers!
Mark Posner, a longtime Justice Department lawyer who now teaches law at American University, said it was ''highly unusual" for political appointees to overrule a unanimous finding such as the one in the Texas case. ''In this kind of situation, where everybody agrees at least on the staff level . . . that is a very, very strong case," he said. ''The fact that everybody agreed that there were reductions in minority voting strength, and that they were significant, raises a lot of questions as to why it was" approved, he said.
*12 percent of the United States population--or about 37 million people--lived in poverty in 2004, with nearly 16 percent--or about 46 million--having no health insurance.
*38 million people, including 14 million children, are threatened by lack of food.
*Ethnic minorities are suffering more from extreme poverty than white Americans. Compared to one in ten Whites, nearly one in four Blacks and more than one out of every five Latinos are extremely poor in the United States.
*Incidence of poverty, including food insecurity and homelessness, has been on the rise during the Bush administration.
*High costs of healthcare, inadequate access to quality education and vocational training, low wages, limited protection of tenants, and lack of low-cost housing are major factors posing "serious obstacles" to people struggling to get out of poverty.*
The security situation is worse and worse as few will be surprised to hear. This remains true even if one looks below the surface at more detailed indicators, like increasing civilian casualties and an enormous increase in the crime rate, than just the daily military death count.
The economic situation is still bad news overall. No new salient infrastructure (despite America's huge investment- where has all the money gone?), no jobs and growing poverty. Any progress here and there has been too slow to help defuse the insurgency, at all.
The political situation is in greater confusion than since the end of official war. Various opinion polls show that public optimism, in terms of Iraqis' views about their personal and country's future, has greatly diminished. The referendum process has estranged Sunni Arabs even further. They still form the core of the insurgency, and bringing them into a national government seems more unlikely than ever.
Opposing torture is not a partisan cause. The practice of torture so fully embraces evil it dehumanizes both the torturer and its victim. No just cause can be won if it relies on torture to succeed.
blog on. . .
-Biden and Edwards, two of the wannabe dem candidates for pres in 08 are just out of touch! It's why if they continue to equivocate and fence sit on attitudes and issues important to the dem party base- they will lose. America already has a repub party. If its a choice between two of them, they will choose the original- guaranteed!
Dean's remarks reflect not only reality, but the heartfelt opinions of the dem party base and working America in general. It is the touch of reality a dem candidate of the people should 'feel the pain' of- like the last successful dem candidate for pres did.
It's time dem leaders and wannabe pres candidates stopped worrying about offending the rich and start defending the rest of us. Otherwise, we are consigned to another round of repub plutocrat rule!