Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Sick Saga!

Here in cloudy Florida, the Schiavo Saga continues:

This afternoon, the far right wing, born-again 'catholic' christian governor with total disregard of the Constitutional authority of the courts, which he well knows, inserts his religious views in the Schiavo's private tragedy with his executive authority. This time, again, in vocal support of the far right wing, born-again christian legislature's possible new 'save shiavo' bill, with total disregard of the Constitutional authority of the courts, which they well know, inserting religious views again with its legislative authority in the Schiavo's privage tragedy; and by implying that the welfare authorities may take poor Mrs. Schiavo into their custody (who since they don't do much else for the poor and disabled here, will at least have something to do, perhaps), while investigation ensues. . . (to be continued)

Oh, and this is after the unduly constituted authority of the federal court, forced upon it by the far right wing, born-again christian federal legislature, with total disregard of the Constitutional authority of the state courts, inserted its religious views with a statue requiring the federal court to review the Shiavo case; decides at the appeals level that the Schiavo matter had no standing in their jurisdiction. . . (to be continued)

--This is straight out of some 18th century comedy of errors with better production values.

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