Monday, December 19, 2005

The Grinch is in Washington

Congress is considering imposing an across-the-board spending cut to ALL programs. There are any number of bills they may try to slip the cuts onto as Congress rushes to finish its business and leave town for the year. Our country is better than this ­- we can't allow further cuts to the programs that millions of vulnerable Americans count on. Across-the-board budget cuts deserve an "up or down vote" on their own merits ­ not by trying to slip them in by adding them to popular, “must pass” bills.

Contact your congresspeople and ask them to fight the inclusion of across-the-board cuts in ANY bill. This is NOT the way to cut deficits ­ on the backs of poor and at-risk Americans while giving billions away in tax cuts to the rich and corporations!

Go to the sidebar resources and get their email addresses and phone numbers!


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