Friday, September 30, 2005


The dark soul of modern American-style fascism, more commonly known in it's latest orwellian denotation- 'compassionate conservatism', exposes itself occasionally and unintentionally (albeit subconciously) to the light. . .

Consider the recent comments of conservative darling Bob Bennett about blacks and crime, on his right-wing radio talk show. Regarding the implications of a controversial new book 'Freakonomics', which concerns statistics, economic data and their manipulation to enhance most any end or argument apparently (something the right-wing in America has gotten very good at doing), he let slip the stuff of what serious, right thinking, good ol' boy republicans no doubt talk about among themselves all the time. That is: How to ignore, marginalize, persecute or 'eliminate' blacks, browns, gays, emancipated women or any other group not acceptable or inconvenient to their authoritarian, christian fundamentalist, corporate-owned catachism. All of these groups are more and more undermined and attacked by the rightwing through legislation, the courts or even on the streets by the least among them. The fervent success of the right-wing in this area has only gotten more strident, blatant and painfully effective as their grip on power has increased.

Bennett's quick, in same sentence retraction of the notion of aborting all blacks to reduce crime (no doubt ONLY based in a guilt ridden catholicism), was eerily like the myriad discussions among the Nazis over the course of their stay in power of the 'final solution' and its political and moral implications. The very fact that the discussions occurred at all was indicative that the Holocaust that followed was inevitable, especially when the Nazis' power to do so was unassailable. Carl Jung would agree surely. This obsession and developed hatred of all that is communal, non-christian and non-white middle, upper class by the new reich of the new right-wing in America can only follow a similar slide into the dark abyss where fascist thought and action has historically flowed. . .

Their god is not who they believe he is!


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