Thursday, December 14, 2006

No Rational Iraq Policy to be Proposed by Bush

The White House on Thursday defended President George W. Bush's rare use of a body count to describe Iraqi insurgent deaths as a way to show Americans that U.S. troops are fighting hard in Iraq.

Bush said on Wednesday on a visit to the Pentagon that U.S. and Iraqi forces had killed or captured 5,900 of the enemy during the months of October, November and early December. It was a rare use of a body count by the president and came after public opinion polls said many Americans are concerned about rising U.S. casualties and believe the United States is losing the war in Iraq.

White House spokesman Tony Snow said one reason Bush gave the body count number was to offset concern about U.S. casualties and deaths that included 103 in October alone.

(Presidents have shied away from giving body count numbers ever since the practice was discredited during the Vietnam war. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military publicized Vietnam body counts as a way to show progress, but it led to inflated numbers which damaged the Pentagon's credibility. Bush has not learned this lesson and seems intent on making it his part of his 'new' policy.)

But Bush is eager to show signs of progress at a time when Americans have become disenchanted with the Iraq war, and wants to demonstrate that his policy has not been stalled by his plans to change Iraq strategy early next year.

Bush is considering options ranging from a short-term increase in U.S. troop strength in Iraq to changing the mission there from fighting insurgents to supporting Iraqi forces.


The Washington Post reported that the Joint Chiefs of Staff do not favor adding significant numbers of troops to Iraq. It is an option pushed by Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain. They instead want to strengthen the Iraqi army, somehow???

Their position is more in line with a recommendation from the bipartisan Iraq Study Group that proposed adding more U.S. trainers to Iraqi units and put the United States in position of withdrawing most combat troops from Iraq by early 2008. This is the position that the confused White House has badmouthed repeatedly over the last week- through 'strategic' leaks, of course.

Bush has refused to set a timetable for having U.S. troops out of Iraq, and it looks like he will continue to do so. Nixon redux!

A senior White House official said that while Bush knows the general strategic outlines of his policy, there are a lot of decisions with "significant strategic ramifications" yet to be made. Bush this week delayed announcing his new strategy from next week to early January. Obviously, the administration doesn't not have a clue- again!

(heavily edited from Reuters of Thursday, Dec. 14, 2006)


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Another Great Quote

"America owes most of its social prejudices to the exaggerated religious opinions of the different sects which were so instrumental in establishing the colonies."--- James Fenimore Cooper


Sunday, November 12, 2006

A Quote for Thought

"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind."--- John F. Kennedy

Blog On

Friday, November 10, 2006

New L I B E R A L Media. . .

Check it out on the Sidebar Now!

-A post election, hilarious new animation by Mark Fiore entitled:

Midterm Comedy


Thursday, November 09, 2006

An Open Letter to Rep. John Mica (r-Florida):

Mr. Mica,

What a Failure You Are!

You serve on the House Committee on Transportation and Infranstructure as the Aviation Subcommittee Chairman-

You have done nothing to improve in reality airline baggage screening and explosive detection systems, other than to make Americans more afraid. You are largely responsible for Americans being less safe from terrorists today than since 9/11.

You serve on the House Subcommittee on Highways, Transit and Pipelines-

While you have supported giving away billions to republican porkbarrel projects in this area, you have supported nothing meaningful to secure our highways and pipelines from terrorist attacks.

You serve on the House Subcommittee on Railroads-

You have done nothing to meaningfully secure our commercial railroad and passenger services other than to gut funding to that end.

You serve on the House Committee on Govt Reform-

This is one of your grievest failures, since you have done nothing to help prevent the corruption and perversion of your fellow republican members.

You serve on the House Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources-

You have done nothing to support meaningful reform or prevent a single crime. Particularly, the crime rate in Florida continues to soar.

You serve on the Subcommitte on Civil Service and Agency Organization-

You have done nothing other than to help create a monstrously ineffective new government secretariat, while you gutted the rights of the workers who serve in it.

Is there any need to go on. . .

You are a disgrace to my country and the great body in which you serve. What are the people of your district thinking by reelecting someone with your record? I am afraid they do not now what it is you have NOT done for them!

A Palm Coast, FL Resident

Blog On

(This post, perhaps of untypically local interest, is also printed at click on the title link.)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Blue Day in America

Well, not a moment too soon. . .

After six years of marching towards mirages while lost in the desert wilderness of delusional Bush administration policies, the American people have finally seen the reality of a new promised land. Bush, his neo-con warmongering advisors and corporate mentors may have been at least on the surface, relegated to the sand dunes of history- it seems.

It was a long, glorious night of counting votes and rearranging the political map of the U.S (see Let's hope that it means real change. Yet, it may be too late for any substantive progress in ending the bloodshed and chaos in Iraq, or the incompetent management of government and the economy at home- at least until all vestiges of the Bush administration are gone from the scene.

We shall see. Best of luck to the new Democratic majority in the houses of Congress!


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Repugs Losing Senate Contests

Most of us know, Democrats must gain six seats to capture control of the Senate this Nov. 7. . .

Now it seems, recapturing the Senate will probably be the more difficult challenge for the repugs. So, reports are now coming in that the RSCC (Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the RNC (Republican National Committee) are revving up their slimeball, negative ad machine, prepared to back it up with tons of money in the final days of the campaign.

These ads will be produced overwhelmingly for the flailing Sen. George Allen in a re-election race that is far tougher than expected, for foot-in-mouth disease ridden Sen. Conrad Burns in Montana and trailing badly Sen. Lincoln Chafee in in Rhode Island. It appears the other closely contested senatorial races aren't even worthy of support anymore, because they are no longer winnable- lol. How things change.

These formerly 'safe' seats are a good indication of the likely outcome of the political races across the country in favor of the Democrats next week.

On to Victory!!!


New Entry at Huffpo. . .

. . .everyone please check out the flash animated entry by PLANET REVOLUTION at Huffington Post's Contagious Festival for November. Just click on the link below:

Blog On

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Iraq Reality for American Soldiers

This is the reality for American soldiers day after day in exotic Iraq:

-It is a place most of them have not seen, nor like any other desert, including those in the American Southwest and Mexico of which some of them may be cursorily familiar.

-It is the place of a language most of them do not speak, nor have before heard. For fear, it is not like anything one may hear even in Detroit these days.

-It is the place of a social order most of them do not understand. The politics of revenge there is not what even those from the meanest streets of our biggest cities know.

American Soldiers on a Mission from Hell in Iraq

The Muslim fanatics there have already won this 'war', just as surely as the Christian fanatics here have lost it. Hopefully, it won't take more than a century for these deluded adherents to figure this out, as was true in the Middle Ages.

So, be damned the attempt to impose some 'notion of democracy' on the Iraqis', and they are not even sure that's who they are. They work against America at every turn. They hate us. They kill our soldiers because our soldiers kill them. They just plain don't want us there!

So why are we there? It is because of the arrogance of greedy, warmongering American psuedo-intellectual advocates of hegemony, and the hubris and stupidity of those who have enthusiatically waged this faraway war for them. Sadly, those too have been persuaded to insidiously and calculatingly wage war as well on their own people's 'notion of democracy'. . .

(Click on the Title Link to see a reprint of this post as an article at An edited version of this article with a specific Halloween twist can be found in my diary at at this url: . Thanks!)

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See Article at

Click on the title link to read an article by this author at!
-It is a summary of the latest data on poverty in America by the Census Bureau (and also an edited reprint of a past post at PLANET REVOLUTION).

blog on

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Now Open. . .

. . .the Repug Closet!
-one can only hope that the 'christian' kook crowd is rolling in it's newly dug grave. . .

Blog On

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Foley Follies

Initially, a scumbag like ex-Rep. Foley was not going to be the subject of posts on this blog. He is a disgrace to his country. Anything about him is best left to the MSM. To call the sick closet-case 'gay' is an insult to gay people everywhere. He is a self-loathing, opportunistic slimeball interested in only his own ambition and personal gratification.

Still, after hearing the slimey repugs- born again christians all, begin to blame the democrats for the Foley scandal has really gone beyond the pale. For them to claim, and it is a reference here to Drudge and many ulta-right repug Reps saying now the dems leaked this info to the press after having known of it for quite some time, is a new low even for repug spinmeistering. Talk about killing the messenger (if it were even true), they want Pelosi et al dragged up by sopoena to answer to the Congress and Justice Dept. for their scandal. Orwell is turning in his grave. . . Bill Clinton will be blamed next, no doubt (lol)!

The Facts:

-Reps and staffers of high level repugs in the house warned the leadership of Foley's behavior years ago.

-ABC and other news outlets who broke the story have stated publicly that their sources were 'repugs'.

Enough said! All of the Rove bs in the world wont change that. . .


blog on

Sunday, October 01, 2006


See PLANET REVOLUTION's latest entry at Huffington Post's Contagious Festival!

Click on the Title Link and be prepared to Laugh out Loud. . .
Blog On

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Abuse Will Go On. . .

The cynical election ploy of three repug senators was shown up for what it really was when they agreed that the Bush administration would be allowed to go forward with its illegal practices of detention, interrogation and trial of accused terrorists. Congress will not pass legislation that formally reinterprets or reaffirms the Geneva Conventions (no paper trail). Nor will the Senate, at least formally, endorse the administration's use of interrogation techniques that the civilized world regards as cruel and inhumane (in other words, torture). And, 'supposedly' trials of accused terrorists will be fairer than the system outlawed in June by the Supreme Court, as if we'll ever know what the new and improved system is.

Thus, Mr. Bush will continue using the CIA to secretly detain and abuse terrorist suspects. He will do so by implementing his own interpretation of the Geneva Conventions by executive order, and by relying on more than questionable Justice Department opinions authorizing such practices as exposing prisoners to hypothermia, waterboarding and prolonged sleep deprivation and so on and so on. Under the 'compromise' agreed to yesterday, Congress would recognize his authority to do this, while preventing prisoners from any appeal to U.S. courts. CIA personnel will also be immune from prosecution for these serious abuses of human rights, both past, present and future!

Such is the result of the 'moral indignation' of senators McCain, Graham and Warner (repugs all). So, U.S. violations of international law will continue with Congressional assent- fighting terror with terror. America's moral and legal standing in the world will only continue to suffer when such 'standards' are codified into American law, as it looks will be the case.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Worst of the Worst

"So, I have come to develop a loathing for him. If you want to accuse me of hating George Bush, go right ahead. Guilty as charged. If a man is this indifferent to the people whose lives hang in the balance based on his actions, I think he is a terrible person. If you don't hate him, you're not paying attention."- from Cenk Uygur's post titled "Top Ten Worst People in the Bush Administration" at the Huffington Post.

Click on the post link to read the entire article!


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Torture is Torture, Right?

Not in Bush world. . .

As most of us know, recently the Supreme Court ruled that al Qaeda detainees are protected by the Geneva Conventions, which ban "humiliating and degrading treatment." So, the 'law abiding' (lol) Bush administration is now telling the military that it may not (One supposes, no one in the administration had previously read the Geneva Conventions?) :

-force detainees to be naked, pose in a sexual manner or perform sexual acts.

--place hoods over detainees heads or duct tape eyes.

--beat or electrically shock, burn or otherwise inflict any form of pain on detainees.

--use hypothermia or treatment which will lead to heat injury of detainees.

--perform mock executions in front of detainees.

--deprive detainees of the necessary food, water and medical care.

--use dogs in interrogations of detainees.

But, not surprisingly, this sadistic administration wants it codified into law that the CIA may not be constrained from doing these things:

--attention grab, which involves the rough shaking of detainees.

--attention slap, an open-handed slap to the face of detainees.

--belly slap, meant to cause temporary pain to detainees, but no internal injuries.

--long-term standing and sleep deprivation of detainees, 40 hours at least.

--cold room, in which detainees are left naked in cells kept in the 50s and frequently doused with cold water.

--water boarding, in which detainees faces are covered with cellophane, then water is poured over it triggering an unbearable gag reflex.

. . .and who knows what else, because its 'secret'.

Since when does the law of the land not apply to everyone? Ahh, only in Bush world. . .



Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Latest Data on Poverty in America

In this period of 'great economic growth', according to the delusional Bush administration, these recently released facts by the Census Bureau are quite telling of the real America:

-In 2003, 2004, and 2005, the percentage of the poor living in deep poverty stood at 42-43 percent, higher than in any prior years on record.

-The percentage of the poor who are below half the poverty line has risen steadily over the last two and half decades: from 34 percent in 1980 to 39 percent in 1990 to 43 percent this year.

-The actual percent of the population who lived in deep poverty in 2005 rose to 5.4 percent!

-The poverty rate is higher in the fourth year of an economic recovery (2005) than it was in the previous recession (2001).

-The median income for non-elderly households was $2,000 lower in 2005 than in the 2001 recession year.

These developments in a so-called 'economic recovery' are unprecedented in economic recoveries (with data going back to the 1960s). They are bad news for the poor, indeed.

It is the shame of the republic!


Friday, September 01, 2006

Tell Everyone!

Connecticut is under attack by the notorious. . .

JOE BUSH a.k.a. The Monstrous Morph

Click above or on the title link to see the evil evidence
-Courtesy of the Huffington Post's 'Contagious Festival'.

(This message not endorsed by joe lieberman, george w. bush, their supporters or donors. Any similarity to persons living or dead is entirely intentional.)


Saturday, August 26, 2006

On To a Dem Victory!

The Republican "advantage" on national security issues is gone. This administration cannot be trusted with our security. From Iraq to terrorism to doing right by our troops and veterans, Democrats offer a new direction. Our plan is to take a strong Democratic stance on national security to all 50 states -- red, blue or purple. We've got the staff on the ground ready to work.
Donate Now for a DEMOCRATIC PARTY victory in November!

Just click on the post title link. . .or, here:

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Monday, August 14, 2006

Another Pro Repug 'Newsman'

Most are aware of CNN's 'newsman' Chuck Roberts in inimitable repug fashion, referring to Ned Lamont as the 'Al Queda candidate' on air the other day- as Ms Huffington lamented on CNN's Reliable Sources yesterday and on her blog today. So, it was fascinating to listen to the replacement host of Face the Nation on CBS Sunday, Scott Kelly (big hair, fake suntan). Not only did his interview of Ned Lamont sound like it came straight from a repug press release, he even used the term 'democrat party' in at least one of his questions/comments!

Use of the phrase 'democrat party' instead of the proper 'Democratic Party' is the terminology of repug party operatives and pundits- exclusively till now (or is it that Kelly is just that. . .hmm?). This is done to purposefully diminish and slur the legitimate name of the Democratic Party, called such for well over 150 years now.

Of course, no one in the MSM that I have seen called CBS or Kelly on it. One could expect such language thrown around by the 'reporters' at Fox News, but CBS? So much for the 'liberal' media. . .


Sunday, August 13, 2006

GOP Fear Mongering has a post called:

The GOP Playbook: Fear-Mongering

It's worth checking out... just click on the link.

With no record to run on, the President's poll numbers in the tank, and polls showing Americans' willingness to put their trust in Democrats to keep them safe, Republicans are resorting to the only thing they have left, using desperate measures to try to win votes.


Friday, August 11, 2006

Addenda to Previous Post

-addendum 1 (yesterday afternoon): Already in some print media today are stories totally contradicting the BBC world service on radio/internet stories of early this morning about columns of israeli tanks and troops crossing into lebanon. On the BBC world service webpage, too this afternoon the only reference to overnight actions of Israel in Lebanon was a massive air bombing raid (@800 strikes they say). Hmm. . .?

-addendum 2 (this afternoon): Isn't is interesting that little more than 24 hours after my original post stating that Israel had made a major ground incursion into Lebanon (per a radio/internet report on BBC world service) that it is being reported that Israel is doing just that now! Or, was it perhaps that Israel had already begun the major ground incursion earlier, but managed to restrict the news and/or have it retracted until they decided to release it? It is exactly the type of media manipulation that Israel has done before and is so good at!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Don't Believe a Word of It!

Supposedly, this morning in London a major terrorist plot was uncovered and thwarted that targeted planes leaving Heathrow Airport. Yah right! Everyone should be reminded of the last 'terrorist plot' British authorities uncovered (lol).

Here are some things that make this 'story' awfully suspicious:

First, Joe Lieberman is defeated in the Democratic primary in Connecticut, signaling a major shift of public opinion against the war in Iraq- implying a disasterous defeat for the warmongering repug party in November. This is followed by Tony Snow virtually threatening, in his next day White House news brief, that another 9/11 incident was imminent if the public were to turn against repug war 'policy'.

Next, in the wee hours of the morning, U.S. and British time, Israel makes a massive ground incursion into southern Lebanon just as the U.N. tries to hammer out a cease-fire agreement. It was talked about on BBC's overnight world service on the radio/internet for instance. It would have been the main news topic of American media this morning without a doubt.

Oh, it should be noted also that, 'coincidentally', Blair and Bush had a long conversation on the telephone yesterday, according to Snow. Hmm. . .? Then, as if a wish gift from the gods (be careful what you wish for) Blair, Bush and Israel are handed a terror plot 'story' that takes the arrogant Israeli invasion (which has already been shown by both administrations' cynical inaction and stonewalling on the Israeli-Lebanon war is exactly the type of action they both truly support) off the media radar just in time for the early British and American 'news shows' (these so-called 'news shows' on the networks and cable are usually incapable of handling more than one big story at a time, as everyone knows- especially the American and British administrations). America and Britain thus wake up to a frightening scenario of terrorist dastardliness. Fear has served both governments well before. As Karl Rove would tell us, when you have a winning hand why fold. . .

Then there is the 'story' of the missing Egyptian students in the U.S. that has the media in such an uproar. Need more be said?

The Israeli invasion story may be off the radar for now, but it surely will be long enough for Israel to pound Lebanon into further submission. How convenient!

I hope the American and British people are starting to wise up to the 'crying wolf' media tactics of Blair and Bush. Lieberman's defeat is hopefully a signal of it.

-as an addendum: Already in some print media today are stories totally contradicting the bbc world report stories of early this morning of columns of israeli tanks and troops crossing into lebanon. On the BBC world service webpage too this afternoon the only reference to overnight actions of Israel in Lebanon was a massive air bombing raid (@800 strikes they say). Hmm. . .?

-addendum 2: Isn't is interesting that little more than 24 hours after my original post stating that Israel had made a major ground incursion into Lebanon (per a radio/internet report on BBC world service) that it is being reported that Israel is doing just that now! Or, was it perhaps that Israel had already begun the major ground incursion earlier, but managed to restrict the news and/or have it retracted until they decided to release it? It is exactly the type of media manipulation that Israel has done before and is so good at!

Blog On

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

On Lieberman's Defeat

The democratic wing of the Democratic Party scored a victory yesterday in Connecticut!

Of course, the poor loser Lieberman missed the victory party. He is too busy wallowing in his egoitis. The people and his supposed party be damned. . .

One thing is for sure, among many things, Lamont understands what Lieberman doesn't and apparently never will- America is under attack by the bloody hands of:

'Click on the link to see the evidence for yourself!!!
Blog On

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Osama bin Bush

Check It Out!

The 'Osama bin Bush' animation new to the Liberal Media list on the sidebar has been transformed into a webpage entry for the Huffington Post Contagious Festival for August!

Click on the title link to this post to view directly or do so from the Huffpo link above. . .


Blog On

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Colbert on Reed

Check out the Liberal Media clip (on the sidebar) from 'The Colbert Report' on Ralph Reed and the Christian Coalition. . .


Blog On

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Deadly Bush Administration

With all the mayhem of war going on in the middle east now, one is reminded of the regions' tumultuous and war ridden recent history- post ww11. Although the roots of the continually festering problem goes back further, it is the point from which the flowering of the present conflicts first becomes obvious.

Where to begin. . .

Most historians point to the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 as the catalyst for the present crisis. Perhaps so, but not exactly the way most observors consider and convey it. The fact is, the founding jews of Israel were always willing to share the land with their arab neighbors. The arabs were given every opportunity for creation, under world (u.n.) auspices, of their own state alongside Israel at the time! This point is often overlooked in the sometimes overly flip criticism of israel and its part in the regions' history.

Aside from the palestinian arabs' (and their arab allies) utterly stupid and shortsighted refusal to have their own state when it was handed to them on a platter, both Israel and the arabs have been responsible for atrocity after atrocity and war after war over the last sixty years. Israel has turned itself into an armed camp, oppressing minorities and neighbors alike; having lost any true link to the peaceful concept of a 'jewish homeland'. And the arabs have lost all signs of their illustrious and enlightened past, moving from dictatorship after dictatorship to a new frightening wave of violent islamic orthodoxy and extremism.

What to do. . .

One thing is for sure. The inept, warmongering and unenlightened foreign policy of the Bush administration has made things only worse, not better. Their policies and actions have only further destablized an already unstable middle east to the point of breaking. One only needs look at the increasingly deadly Iraq war to understand this concept. Bush and his neocon sponsors need to be stripped of the authority to continue their disasterous undertakings. Taking the congress away from the repugs this year would be a major step in this direction. The middle east and the world will thank us for it.

Get off your ass and VOTE Democratic Party in 2006!!!

(Click on the title link of this post for further discussion at Huffington Post)

Blog On

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Take Heed Repugs. . .

Y'all seem to find it so easy to call on Abraham Lincoln when it suits your evil ends. . .

"You may deceive all the people part of the time, and part of the people all the time, but not all the people all the time." --Abraham Lincoln

-Look Out in 2006!


Friday, July 14, 2006

Another Quote Worth Quoting. . .

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
-- Margaret Mead

Vote DEMOCRATIC this political season!


Friday, July 07, 2006

Convoluted Argument of NY Court on Gay Marriage

NY's highest court in its cowardly (essentially, it referred the matter back to the state legislature) decision to maintain the anti-gay marriage stance under NY State law the other day, for one thing 'rationalized' that the state supports the limitation on marriage (to straight persons), because it is derived from the 'undisputed' (their word) assumption (you know what 'they' say about that) that marriage is important to the welfare of children.

Let's look at just this argument of the 'majority' on the court. The court said that marriage should be preserved as an 'inducement' to heterosexual couples to remain in stable, long-term, and child-bearing relationships. The implication being that without such 'inducement', perhaps many straight couples would not marry in the interests of nuturing children that may be conceived, say accidentally or without planning or desire (that many straight couples with children today do not marry has become the rule rather than the exception, state sanction or not). Marriage then with this convoluted logic infers that straight couples, or at least a significant enough portion of them, are not necessarily to be trusted without what tantamounts to a bribe to become responsible parents, in state sanctioned, preferentially treated unions. . .

Well, that said, what about gay persons who wish to maintain a 'marital' arrangement in the specific interests of children for which they have planned and desire to nuture within a stable, loving relationship? Do they not deserve the same support and state sanctioning of those unions, to the added welfare of the children involved- which is the state's interest as defined by the justices themselves?

To this writer it seems the court has ruled that the secular institution of marriage is specifically designed by the state for those not to be trusted otherwise with the responsible nuturing of their children. Whereas, those who have responsibly taken on that the task of raising children within a loving, stable relationship (which again is in the state's interest) are not to be accorded the same incentives and acknowledgement if they happen to be gay.

How's that for unreasonable, legalistic nonsense!

This argument is especially egregious and totally wrongheaded, despite the justices' 'intuition', since the overwhelmingly valid evidence shows that children growing up in gay households are just as happy and well adjusted as those of straight ones.

-click on the title or 'link' to track back to a Democratic Party Blog comment. . .


Monday, June 26, 2006

Gay Pride 2006

Blog On

A Personal Note on 'Kos'

My experience and observations of Daily Kos have found it to be full of an extremely paranoid group (trolls are a constant theme and focus), with narrow leftist interests to the point of outright censorship of ideas the pack of posters there have no interest in or intellectual comprehension of (just try to post any liberal ideas, tenets or positions not in the Kos playbook). The posters there are self-absorbed, generally anti-intellectual (typically American in their naivete) and as immaturely strident as any right wing bloggers of whom they are so overly conscious.

It is a place for teenyboppers (look at the source), those of similar mentality and those insecure in their liberalism. . . The phenomenon of it is fascinating, to be sure, but not a place of real force of content and leadership in the long range interests of 'the good fight'- in my humble opinion.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Failed Progress on All Fronts in Iraq

With debate on the subject in the Senate today, it should be noted that most honest observers know the counter-insurgency and nation-building efforts in Iraq have failed.

The security situation is worse and worse as few will be surprised to hear. This remains true even if one looks below the surface at more detailed indicators, like increasing civilian casualties and an enormous increase in the crime rate, than just the daily military death count.

The economic situation is still bad news overall. No new salient infrastructure (despite America's huge investment- where has all the money gone?), no jobs and growing poverty. Any progress here and there has been too slow to help defuse the insurgency, at all.

The political situation is in greater ineffectual confusion than since the end of official war. Various opinion polls show that public optimism, in terms of Iraqis' views about their personal and country's future, has greatly diminished. The political process still estranges Sunni Arabs. They form the core of the insurgency, and bringing them into a successful national 'unity' government seems more unlikely than ever.

The unwarranted American aggression in Iraq and it's incompetent management have created chaos which will not be solved by continued occupation. The Iraqis are going to fight it out amongst themselves one way or another, eventually.There is no longer reason to hope for progress in Iraq.

The time for America to get out and out of the way is now!

(edited from a Nov 2005 post--
click on the title link)

La plus ca change. . .


Friday, June 16, 2006

A Critique of Lefitist Bloggers and Our 'MSM' Counterparts

I do not mean to say here that liberal bloggers and MSM commentators have not made important political inroads in the course of our deliberations with the reactionary right of late. We have loudly raised our concerns about government incompetency, unjust war and the erosion of civil liberties, while leading the way to a better future. I applaud the statements and writings for the 'good fight' in our most recent movement against the neo-fascist repug party. We will continue to do so, I think. Thank you to all.

What we must remember is that the right has been at it's successful 'propaganda' game longer, presenting it's cause to an often complascent public better than we have. This is just an historical fact. They have recruited the 'best' educated, most strident and most presentationally savvy crowd of reactionary apologists to their end, effectively. This is not a fluke. It is a decades long, calculated program of public opinion manipulation by a cynical, fat-cat repug party, from the slimey roots of 20th century fascism and stalinism.

We are right. They are wrong. Our world view just needs to be articulated better! Let's not be afraid to be smart, just because the right thinks we and the American people are stupid. . .

What I suggest for leftists' ascending success in these forums are the continued, yet not fully realized, honing of our written and oral debating skills in defense of our principles. This should be based on quality of argument, not just fervor of position without subsequent coherence of thought and theory. This, I observe, is not always the general and consistent content of blogs and MSM punditry on our side, now.

Until very recently, the right has been able to take good advantage of this basic flaw in our just armor. We now have begun to find at our backs a new wave of quality forums, online writers, radio and television analysts who have finally and powerfully come to the aid of the humanist faithful! Too late? I don't not think so.

Still, I believe that if some of the talented and insightful liberal bloggers, radio and television presenters of whom I have have had the privilege to read, observe and debate would spend more time honing their writing styles and argumentation skills, instead of trying to match the confusing thought processes, stridency and rhetoric of the right; we will find a better way to convince a wavering public of the justice of our cause. Because they have been so ill informed for so long, it is our duty to have the truth presented to them thoughtfully, pointedly and with force of content.

(Title Link a trackback to Truth Out diary post- please click on it for a lively discussion)


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Timely Quote:

"One of the most horrible features of war is that all the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting." --George Orwell

If this doesn't sound like Bush and his supporters, I don't know what does!


Monday, June 12, 2006

Ann Coulter: What's in a Name?

Ann Coulter's foul mouth and disposition have made their way into the news and talk show circuit again, while she promotes another of her shoddily written diatribes. Her most recent insults won't even be dignified here with a response. She continues to proudly and stridently represent the 'compassionate conservativism' (LOL) of the reactionary Republican party.

The 'woman' calls herself a 'christian', but is not one in any traditional sense. No doubt, Jesus would not recognize her or her supporters as such. Yet, she sure is a 'coulter'. It is defined as the 'wedge' at the front of a plow. Wedge is what she does, and with her uncanny likeness to a 'horse' perhaps she pulls the plow, too. She certainly is effective at stridently sowing the seeds of dissension.

Any honest observer knows that both her views and her methods of expression have proven to serve no public interest. They only monger hate and division. The hope is that the MSM will not continue to give her the cynical, self-serving forum she seems to thrive on. But, likely the cynical, self-serving and sympathetic publisher and press will continue to do so as long as it brings in the cynical readers and viewers; and the subsequent self-serving sales and advertising revenues.

(Title Permalink to letter to the editor)


Sunday, June 11, 2006

Still Waiting. . .

(Published in The New Yorker June 4, 2001)


Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hearing on House Raid

The legality of the FBI raid on Congressman W. Jefferson (D-LA) office over a week ago was trashed yesterday morning during a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, chaired by J. Sensenbrenner (R-WI). During the raid, the FBI forbade the presence of a lawyer for either the House or Congressman Jefferson. Also, constitutionally protected materials were seized in the sweep. The raid took a full 18 hours to conduct.

All witnesses, who included law professors, a former member of the House
and a former Justice Department official, and members agreed the raid violated
the separation of powers provided by the Constitution between the legislative
and executive branches of government. Witnesses cited other instances
where the Bush administration had unilaterally grabbed power, including the
White House's authorizing more aggressive interrogation of prisoners, domestic
wiretapping without a warrant and data mining. The consensus was that the
search reduced Congress' standing as a co-equal branch of government and
amounted to intimidation of Congress.

Further hearings are planned, which would include calling Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and FBI officials to testify.

President Bush has ordered all the materials taken from the office sealed for 45 days while the Justice Department and the Congress negotiate procedures for conducting investigations involving members of Congress.

The incompetent Bush administration continues to arrogantly assert its primacy, all the while tripping over its own feet in the process.


Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day Message:

Show Respect for Our Vets

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Repugs Agree on 'English Only' Only

The English Only provision attached to the imminent Senate immigration bill will be the only one that will survive conference, if indeed the House and Senate immigration bills get that far. It is a quintessential statement of what the repug party is all about.

The right wing kook majority in the party (the great majority in the house and a sizeable, obstructionist minority in the senate) is truly only interested in a 'final solution' to immigration.

The truth slipped out while good ole Tim Russert refereed the intramural conflict among the competing repug bills in Congress today. During the so-called 'interview', some looney southern repug congressman alluded to creating a couple hundred camps or detention centers for corralling 'illegals' in lieu of deportation. Of course, Russert in his inimitable way let the comment slip by without a follow-up question nor even a raised eyebrow. So much for the liberal press. . .

Absolutely frightening!


Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Winning Agenda. . .

Honest Leadership & Open Government -- We will end the Republican culture of corruption and restore a government as good as the people it serves.

Real Security -- We will protect Americans at home and lead the world by telling the truth to our troops, our citizens and our allies.

Energy Independence -- We will create a cleaner and stronger America by reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Economic Prosperity & Educational Excellence -- We will create jobs that will stay in America by restoring opportunity and driving innovation.

A Healthcare System that Works for Everyone -- We will join 36 other industrialized nations by making sure everyone has access to affordable health care.

Retirement Security -- We will ensure that a retirement with dignity is the right and expectation of every single American.

--The Democratic Party 2006


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Latest 'Snow' Job on Health Care

Tony Snow in his latest incarnation of conservative apologist as White House press secretary brought himself to tears in honor of the ineffectual, discriminatory and third world health care system in the U. S.. Of course, he received the best available medicine in his fight against cancer. Of course, he is grateful for the skued to the rich health care system that saved his life- early detection, prompt treatment and all that.

That scenario just isn't in the cards for the vast majority of the rest of us- underinsured or just not insured at all!

What is with this new class of conservative elitists?:

1. They just don't give a damn. We've got ours, the rest of you go to hell.

2. Their corporate sponsors and powerful Washington lobbyists (insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and the like) don't want true health care reform. They get 25% of cost for administration of the system as it is. Compare this to the government programs like Medicare and Medicaid that charge for administration maybe up to 2 %!. Profits, profits, profits. . .

3. It would take true vision and a dramatic change of course to change the system. This repug administration and congress is just not willing or capable of doing this.

Thus, we are stuck in the middle again, which is nowhere. American government under repug domination won't do the right thing and put 'family values' first!

The Democratic Party will- with all it's faults. VOTE Democratic this political season!


Friday, May 12, 2006

Bush a Total Failure

A Real Wunderkind

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Yes, Another Quote. . .

"No enemy is worse than bad advice." --Sophocles

Considering the state of the Bush administration's war policy today, there could be no truer statement. President Bush received the utterly bad advice of V.P. Cheney, Rumsfeld and a myriad of insidious neo-con syncophants to go to war with 'enemy' Iraq on a problematic theory. Then, they lied about why. The result is the most distasteful and disasterous war in American history unfolding now, before our eyes.

The blood of our troops and Iraqi innocents will forever be on America's hands for this bad advice. Due to this bad advice, our treasure has been squandered, during a time when its benefits are much needed by an evergrowing number of American sick and poor. In the world community, the United States has become reviled and derided- it's credibility non-existent, because of this bad advice.

True to Sophocles' words, all of this pain and hardship has truly shown up the real enemy. It is the bad advice of those inside the Bush administration and without, whom are responsible for getting us into this mess. When will they be held accountable?


Friday, April 28, 2006

Another Quote Worth Quoting:

"We don't all have to believe what our president believes to be a patriot." -- Neil Young


Friday, April 21, 2006

Throw the Bums Out!

As Americans, we are very proud of our heritage, but what will future generations think if we sit idly by and do nothing when we actually do know the truth:

The U.S. military is plagued with following the orders of an incompetent Bush administration. There is continuous Iraq mission creep and increasing war costs in blood and treasure with no accountability. Iraqi forces still cannot defend their country, leaving American soldiers to die in their place. Iraq is presently sitting on top of two trillion gallons of unrefined crude, and could have paid for it's own liberation. Three years ago, the Administration had a specific proposal for Iraq to do just that before it and failed to pursue it. Thus the economic cost of the war soars into the hundreds of billions of dollars, paid for by the American taxpayer. But most disgraceful of all is that we were lied to about going to war in Iraq in the first place! Remember the Downing Street memo? It was just swept under the table. What about the weapons of mass destruction?

This Administration has never vetoed the republicans' pure pork laden spending bills or a tax cut for fat corporations and the rich. Thus, we are over eight trillion dollars in debt.

The normal response by this White House is change the theme and fire or try to disgrace anybody who disagrees with their official version of events or policy positions. Enough is enough. Stand up for the truth. Clean up Washington. Tell Congress the time for impeachment of both the president and the vice president is already long overdue.

-(heavily) edited from the People's Email Network newsletter of 4/20/06

Go to the sidebar for resources on contacting your representatives in Washington D.C., now!


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Bush and Cheney: Scam of the Earth!

Based on the copy of the couple's 2005 tax return released Friday by the White House and filler information in the New York Times of today's date, the President and Laura Bush reported an adjusted gross income of $735,180 for last year and paid federal income taxes of $187,768. This is slightly less than they paid in taxes in 2004 and still much, much less than the 33% rate under present tax law for person's in their income bracket. The tax return listed as income the president's salary of about $400,000 and proceeds from investment trusts that hold the couple's assets. They paid $207,307 in taxes in 2004 on income of $784,219. Most of their income derives from interests in oil companies and related relatives' consulting firms. What a scam. . .

Their 2005 return was made public along with that of Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife, Lynne, who reported that their taxes were $529,636. The Cheneys' adjusted gross income was $8.82 million, but most of it was not taxable (?): $6.87 million was proceeds from stock options(note that these 'proceeds' were from undisclosed amount of stock options, not including probable deferred options of much greater amount, and reflect assets in the tens and tens and more tens of millions plus in Haliburton stock!) that the couple had set aside for charity and that were distributed last year, plus charitable contributions that came from royalties on books written by Mrs. Cheney. This rate of taxation was less than 10% of their gross income (their actual worth probably in the hundred million range plus), making their rate of taxation below that of the average person of poverty in the U. S. As a result, the Cheneys' taxable income was $1.96 million. In a statement, the White House said that over the course of the year, the couple paid $2.5 million in taxes through withholding and estimated tax payments, in part to deal with the exercise of the stock options. Given that their 2005 taxes are a little over half a million dollars, they are due a refund of about $1.9 million, the statement said. Unbelievable!

The White House emphasized that the Cheneys had received no personal financial benefit from the charitable donations (?). "The transactions were tax-neutral to the Cheneys," it said, adding that the large tax refund would return them "to a neutral position of no personal financial benefit or financial detriment resulting" from the gifts. The White House said the stock options had been granted to the Cheneys by the Halliburton Company (we wouldn't have guessed), Mr. Cheney's former employer, and from the couple's work on the boards of other companies. It is clear that the Vice President's inside nod for Haliburton on the no bid Iraqi contracts and the subsequent documented ripoff of the taxpayers has paid off quite handsomely. What a scam. . .

Meanwhile the public suffers the indignity of the death of their children and the squandering of their treasury for the Bush-Cheney greedy war for oil. For this alone, they should be tarred and feathered and run out of Washington, D. C. on a rail!


Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Quote Worth Quoting:

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true."
-- Friedrich Neitzsche

Has there ever been a better description of the Bush administration's driving force?


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

In Memorium to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


(Read at first anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King -- Jonesboro, AR, 1969 by Bill Stroud, Ph. D.)

"Has anybody here seen my old friend Martin?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He freed a lot of people. But it seems the good--
They die young. I just look around and he's gone."

Yes, they die young. But they die young because they lived before becoming old. They live centuries within the span of youth. They died young, convinced that life must be measured by its dimension and not by its extension. They die young, yet with hoary heads of ageless wisdom learned in the search for justice. Martin died young but not before he lived.

You look around and he's gone? You look too much around. You must have looked around the hope which Martin sparked in thousands of youngsters; for with raised chins poised in flinty determination, black youth now view themselves in dignity, demanding their just place in American culture. You must have looked around that tear shed in pride as the aged black parent watched the son and daughter set their faces steadfastly toward positions of high repute. Look around, but see the hundreds of organizations which have come to life through his death, organizations which are dedicated to the alleviation of suppression of peoples. Martin died young but he was the father of the black American dream.

Some people merely live and die; others die and live. Some cannot really die because their lives extend beyond their own history. Some men merely make history, others change it. Martin's death creates life, for because of his life even the past seems to change. What was once our religious heritage of days of yore now seems spotted with inequity and pain. The great South with its antebellum homes which once evoked a feeling of repose, hospitality and comfort, now has moved out of focus as black hands are seen busily grasping the cotton within the hot fields behind the proverbial magnolias. That past is now seen as it really was, is criticized as it is, and will continue to be pressed to become what it should be.

Martin is yet alive because he has become a symbol which transcends the mere human form. As a symbolic personage he transcends time and his signification reaches beyond that small span of history sandwiched between birth and death. A resurrection has been actualized already for Martin because his spirit of love and peace yet permeates new flesh which will make up the new humanity of the new America.

Has anybody here seen my ole friend Martin? Look for him among the Abrahams. Martin echoed Lincoln's words: "This nation cannot survive half slave and half free." Like Lincoln, Martin took his stand and forced the recognition of the breach within the social structure of America, the breach which was nothing but a crevice which for years had been skillfully covered with the veneer of expediency. And like a Lincoln he died.

Has anybody here seen my ole friend Martin? Look along the paths of John and Bob. He made God's work truly his own; he showed what he would do for his country. We must become a part of what he could do. He "helped a lot of people;" and oh, how he did die young!
We just look around and he's gone? No, we can see him in every determined effort which is made to gain for his people their deserved heritage. We must envision his dream; in every pledge of allegiance we must commit ourselves to his America of humanity, where colors are used for flags and humans used for nothing.

Yes, Martin is still working and marching as every effort is made to heal the prejudiced eye which blinks at blackness. He is reborn in every child who is black and proud. He walks your streets today in every soul who loves humanity first, humanity second, and humanity last.

"The good--they seem to die young. . .
Has anybody here seen my old friend Martin?"
-Couldn't have said it better. . .

Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Biggest of Bush's Many Deficits. . .

--David Mamet,, 04/01/2006


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Senate at Work?

Watching the Senate Judiciary Committee the other day (on C-Span) going through a tortuous process of trying to put together an outline of an immigration policy reform bill, was excruciating. Yet, without getting into the specifics of the varied proposals themselves, it was quite a telling scene.

First, it was a oft not seen example of the 'sausage making' of legislation. Generally, hearings of its sort are held behind closed doors. Those doors only open usually to public purview after some finished legislative proposals are offerable (or none at all, sometimes). Although much work had already been done by various Senate staffers, the hearing was still a good example of the painful give and take of an on the surface, honest effort at legal reform.

Second, one came away with a good idea of the thoughtfulness and work ethic of various senators. It seemed the more ideologically driven the legislator, the higher their degree of legislative input and personal participation in the give and take. I note particularly Sens. Kennedy (D-MA) and Kyl (R-AZ) as examples here.

This exercise in public disclosure on Capitol Hill is somewhat rare. It was mostly the result of public and right wing extremist peer pressure on reasonable and moderate senators to come up with an immigration bill- fast. Also, it is easy to assume the Senate wanted all to see that they take the matter seriously and are actually working on a solution. Still, the urgency of the hearing was palpable with the threat of passage of more draconian legislation (like that of the House), i.e. the Frist measure.

Of course, a final bill with inevitable ensuing amendments is far from the Senate floor. There is much wrangling to be done. Yet, it was refreshing to see our legislators doing some important and yes, honest work- something Americans don't usually associate with them these days.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Sad State of Congress. . .

-by J. B. Handelsman in the New Yorker of 06/17/1996
(La plus ca change. . .)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Bush Is a Big Fat Loser!

Most of the world has known this for a longtime, but today it is official. . .

The House and Senate have both made it clear: Bush will not be allowed to force the go ahead of the Dubai port deal. Yesterday, the powerful House Appropriations Committee voted overwhelmingly to force a vote on the floor stopping the Dubai port giveaway. Then today in the Senate, the dems forced a cloture vote and won on an amendment to the lobbying reform bill that would essentially kill the Dubai deal. Both chambers made it clear what the feelings were of the American people and their opinion of the utter incompetency of the administration in this matter (let alone every other matter that they have touched).

Both actions established that Bush would not be able to surmount veto proof votes for the first time in his presidency. Paraphrasing the reaction of Chris Matthews on MSNBC this afternoon, 'Bush is no longer the head of the repug party'. It is obvious, that the House leadership in particular, as well as important repug Senators running for reelection this year, weren't going to be dragged down at the polls hanging onto Bush's sinking in the polls coattails.

In the meantime, as a face saving device for themselves as well as for the president, Dubai has agreed to withdraw from its contract and sell port operations to an American company. . .

Not a Moment too Soon!


Thursday, February 23, 2006

FUCK You Back Bush. . .

. . .that's why the Bill of Rights put freedom of speech first!

Turned out to be an ugly, incompetent, corrupt s.o.b., didn't he?

Monday, February 20, 2006

Enough Is Enough!

President George Bush is coming to Congress – to the American people, really – to ask for another $65 billion for war in the Middle East. It’s the fourth time in three years the Administration has asked for extra, unplanned billions to be taken from other needs. What will he do with the money? We’re told this $65 billion (in addition to the $241 billion spent so far) will be used to "stay the course".

To "stay the course" in a civil war ravaged Iraq is the only plan Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al have, and it has failed miserably. The loss in blood and treasure is the proof.

To "stay the course" is costing our nation $100,000 a minute. Our soldiers, our children and our nation are not served by continuing to plunge heedlessly ahead, and we look to Congress to exercise responsibility for our future.

Contact your congress persons directly through the sidebar resources or go to: True Majority


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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

FUCK Mohammed. . .

. . .that's why the Bill of Rights put freedom of speech first!

Turned out to be an ugly s.o.b., didnt' he?


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A Quote Worth Quoting:

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science. -- Charles Darwin (1809-1882)


Repugs Have Agenda for Corps and Rich only!

More than half of Americans disapprove of Bush and his repug Congress. Why? Its because they failed to answer the real questions ordinary Americans have about the state of our union:

When will we have an exit strategy for Iraq? Violence is non-stop. Incompetent management is ongoing. And worst of all, the war has cost the lives of thousands of Americans and Iraqis and billions of dollars in fraud.

When will we secure our ports and chemical and nuclear plants, which remain vulnerable? Probably never if the repugs have there way- there's no profit in it, public safety be damned.

When will the repugs put their responsibility to the people before their greed and thirst for power? The repug culture of corruption in the executive and legislative branches has violated the law and cost taxpayers billions.

When will the repugs acknowledge the economic crisis tens of millions of Americans face? Good jobs are leaving this country in droves, and many of the jobs that remain exploit working families by denying them adequate benefits. Millionaires and corporations receive tax breaks while Americans can't afford to save, and the gap between rich and poor continues to widen to levels unseen since the 19th century.

When will we finally do something for the 46 million Americans who lack health insurance? Many have had their lives ruined financially when the worst happened, and many more no longer seek the care they need because they cannot afford it.

When will we make serious strides towards energy independence? We get a greater percentage of our oil from cartels and dictatorships now than we did in 2000.

When will he take steps to further ensure retirement security for every American? Growing old with dignity is a right, not a privilege, and dismantling Social Security in favor of private accounts is the wrong direction for our society.

What about the poor? To claim the economy is good when a quarter of the populace is in poverty or on its edge is ludicrous.

These and other pressing public matters are ignored by the repugs in the fervor to please the corporate rich and fundamentalist fanatics who keep their party coffers and pockets full. As long as they control our government, they can execute the same incompetent, dishonest and destructive government without paying a price at the ballot box. Its time to VOTE the bums out!

--inspired by a Democratic Party newsletter by Howard Dean


Friday, January 20, 2006

Hearing Calls for Impeachment

Congressman Conyers, D of NY, and ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, held hearings today in Washington on Bush impeachment.

The subject was illegal wiretapping by Bush's NSA, that went around the FISA and Patriot Act laws and wiretapped American citizens inside the country en masse! Of course, the questioners were all D congresspersons- don't count on a full House hearing anytime soon. Still, the expert testimony was overwhelmingly damning of the administration and came from both sides of the political spectrum.

Professor J. Turley, a staunch conservative law professor and outspoken advocate of impeaching Bill Clinton, outright stated that Bush's actions were impeachable- no doubt. Concurring were Justice Department officials, like former Dep. Attorney General and right-wing thinker Bruce Fein from the Reagan administration, and other legal authorities and public activists. The concensus was that the recently released legal justifications by the Bush Justice Dept. for the surveillance were incredibly weak and didn't pass the laugh test.

The Senate will be holding full hearings in February. Everyone needs to get the word out to their Senators not to let the administration get a pass on this one- its too important! Listen, if this was Bill Clinton we were talking about, he'd be in jail already. . .

Blog On

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Worth Repeating: No to Alito!

Contact your Senators NOW and let them know you say: No to Alito!

For liberals and moderates in the Senate, voting against Alito for the High Court is an easy decision. Judge Alito has a 15-year history of judicial decisions that have advanced the cause of the radical right, by 'legislating' from the bench. . .

Among his many alarming rulings and opinions are those that have made it harder for Americans to:

*sue for sex or race-based discrimination in the workplace.
*fight back against companies that violate landmark anti-pollution laws like the Clean Water Act.
*ban private ownership of machine guns and other automatic weapons.

He really is the classic 'activist' judge, as defined by the right wing themselves!

And there are more disturbing things about Alito that should raise serious concern. For instance, his close affiliation with the reactionary Federalist Society and his 'personal' legal opinions about no right to abortion or no guaranteed voting rights.

If confirmed to the Supreme Court, Samuel Alito has shown that he's anything but restrained when it comes to undermining our nation's most important legislative protections and legal precedents. He is a danger to our civil rights and liberty.