Monday, August 14, 2006

Another Pro Repug 'Newsman'

Most are aware of CNN's 'newsman' Chuck Roberts in inimitable repug fashion, referring to Ned Lamont as the 'Al Queda candidate' on air the other day- as Ms Huffington lamented on CNN's Reliable Sources yesterday and on her blog today. So, it was fascinating to listen to the replacement host of Face the Nation on CBS Sunday, Scott Kelly (big hair, fake suntan). Not only did his interview of Ned Lamont sound like it came straight from a repug press release, he even used the term 'democrat party' in at least one of his questions/comments!

Use of the phrase 'democrat party' instead of the proper 'Democratic Party' is the terminology of repug party operatives and pundits- exclusively till now (or is it that Kelly is just that. . .hmm?). This is done to purposefully diminish and slur the legitimate name of the Democratic Party, called such for well over 150 years now.

Of course, no one in the MSM that I have seen called CBS or Kelly on it. One could expect such language thrown around by the 'reporters' at Fox News, but CBS? So much for the 'liberal' media. . .


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