Thursday, March 09, 2006

Bush Is a Big Fat Loser!

Most of the world has known this for a longtime, but today it is official. . .

The House and Senate have both made it clear: Bush will not be allowed to force the go ahead of the Dubai port deal. Yesterday, the powerful House Appropriations Committee voted overwhelmingly to force a vote on the floor stopping the Dubai port giveaway. Then today in the Senate, the dems forced a cloture vote and won on an amendment to the lobbying reform bill that would essentially kill the Dubai deal. Both chambers made it clear what the feelings were of the American people and their opinion of the utter incompetency of the administration in this matter (let alone every other matter that they have touched).

Both actions established that Bush would not be able to surmount veto proof votes for the first time in his presidency. Paraphrasing the reaction of Chris Matthews on MSNBC this afternoon, 'Bush is no longer the head of the repug party'. It is obvious, that the House leadership in particular, as well as important repug Senators running for reelection this year, weren't going to be dragged down at the polls hanging onto Bush's sinking in the polls coattails.

In the meantime, as a face saving device for themselves as well as for the president, Dubai has agreed to withdraw from its contract and sell port operations to an American company. . .

Not a Moment too Soon!


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