Friday, October 06, 2006

The Foley Follies

Initially, a scumbag like ex-Rep. Foley was not going to be the subject of posts on this blog. He is a disgrace to his country. Anything about him is best left to the MSM. To call the sick closet-case 'gay' is an insult to gay people everywhere. He is a self-loathing, opportunistic slimeball interested in only his own ambition and personal gratification.

Still, after hearing the slimey repugs- born again christians all, begin to blame the democrats for the Foley scandal has really gone beyond the pale. For them to claim, and it is a reference here to Drudge and many ulta-right repug Reps saying now the dems leaked this info to the press after having known of it for quite some time, is a new low even for repug spinmeistering. Talk about killing the messenger (if it were even true), they want Pelosi et al dragged up by sopoena to answer to the Congress and Justice Dept. for their scandal. Orwell is turning in his grave. . . Bill Clinton will be blamed next, no doubt (lol)!

The Facts:

-Reps and staffers of high level repugs in the house warned the leadership of Foley's behavior years ago.

-ABC and other news outlets who broke the story have stated publicly that their sources were 'repugs'.

Enough said! All of the Rove bs in the world wont change that. . .


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