Thursday, May 04, 2006

Yes, Another Quote. . .

"No enemy is worse than bad advice." --Sophocles

Considering the state of the Bush administration's war policy today, there could be no truer statement. President Bush received the utterly bad advice of V.P. Cheney, Rumsfeld and a myriad of insidious neo-con syncophants to go to war with 'enemy' Iraq on a problematic theory. Then, they lied about why. The result is the most distasteful and disasterous war in American history unfolding now, before our eyes.

The blood of our troops and Iraqi innocents will forever be on America's hands for this bad advice. Due to this bad advice, our treasure has been squandered, during a time when its benefits are much needed by an evergrowing number of American sick and poor. In the world community, the United States has become reviled and derided- it's credibility non-existent, because of this bad advice.

True to Sophocles' words, all of this pain and hardship has truly shown up the real enemy. It is the bad advice of those inside the Bush administration and without, whom are responsible for getting us into this mess. When will they be held accountable?


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