Thursday, September 08, 2005

Revolution No. 9

1- 1841 soldiers dead in Iraq as of 8/12/05.

2- $300 Billion spent on Iraq war as of 8/12/05.

3- 0 is the number of wmds found in Iraq.

4- $240 Billion is the yearly surplus Clinton left Bush.

5- $350 Billiion is the current yearly deficit under Bush.

6- 1 in 5 is the number of American children in poverty (up 15% since Bush took office).

7- 5 Million is the number of people who have lost health insurance since Bush took office.

8- 0 is the number of mistakes of any kind admitted by the Bush administration.

9- 4 is the multiple by which N. Korea has increased its nuclear weapons since Bush took office.

--and then there is the handling of the Katrina catastrophe (no numbers yet available). . .


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