Before Palin's convention acceptance speech:
Publicly, the repug establishment was all agiddy and supportive of the supprise choice of Palin for the VP slot when announced. After that reality set in. Its funny what Republican pundits say when they think nobody's watching.
Get these most informative relevations by John McCain's former campaign chief Mike Murphy and former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan. They were caught on tape after an NBC interview at the convention, soon after the choice for Mrs. Palin for the VP slot was announced. This is what they said, sharing their real thoughts on McCain's judgment in selecting Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate:
Noonan was asked about Palin's qualificatons and she ranted, ". . . qualified? No!" She then called the selection of Palin "political bullshit." Apropriately not missing a beat, sitting at the same table, Murphy said McCain's VP selection was "gimmicky. . . laughable and cynical."
So much for what the nattering naboobs [sic] of conservative media say, as revealed on. . .yes, YouTube! I guess they failed to remember the mikes are always on, LOL. . . You didn't think the cable media crowd would actually want you to hear the unvarnished truth and not just their version of it- you know, the one that best reassures their corporate overseers, do ya? Sad, sad, sad. . .
After Palin's gop convention speech:
Seems the right wing punditry is correct. Besides not a word about any significant policy matter, Palin said not one word about what qualifies her to be president or vice president, for that matter. Her speech, actually more distracting, diagreeable diatribe, was nothing but a second rate hatchet job on Barack Obama. It would have been better given by 'better' persons-- what a mediocre farce!!!
Are we really sure she isn't some clandestine Canadian conspirator? It's hard to hide that accent. . . hmm. . .
All in all, looks like she will be the best thing to ensure the success of the Democratic Party in November here in America, yebetcha!
-a republished facsimile here at
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
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