A New York Times full-page ad of December 5, 2008 essentially claimed that violent 'mobs' of gays attacked The Latter Day Saints (more commonly known as the Mormon Church) members and property in response to the narrow passage of Proposition 8 in California. In case you were out of town, the measure banned gay marriage in the state and included other anti-gay sanctions.
The ad was taken out by major Mormon apologists for their political involvment historically like the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty and other religious kooks, including among others:
-Convicted felon Chuck Colson (Nixon criminal cohort).
-Christian evangelical right wing nut Rich Cizik.
-Catholic League bigot William Donohue.
Ironically, these cohorts of christian love all now love Mormons! Historically, these same groups have always conjoined to openly harrass them as heretical and evil. . .HMMMH?? Gays are even more evil than Mormons, one could conclude. . .
Are gays the new LDS?
The fact is that wealthy Mormons from across the country were the major contributors to the proposition's passage. Post election demonstrations against Prop. 8 came in rightful response to an anti-constitutional (the same issue on which the state supreme court had already ruled against, by the way) state initiative. A website, launched by 'christian' groups promoting the voter decision in California, NoMobVeto.com, convenientally forgot that they had already put basic human rights under the constitution up for a majority vote (Locke and Rousseau, anybody?), which is quintessentially mob rule!
This Times ad is full of blatant lies- much like the outrageous and immoral television ads attacking same-sex family ones during the Prop. 8 campaign. . . The fact is, the vast majority of the rallies across America were peaceful. Considering gay families and their supporters were just stripped of their basic rights by outright electoral deceit, the ensuing protests were remarkably calm. If any other oppressed group had been subjected to such humiliation by such a well funded ongoing political campaign, riots in the streets would have been expected.
The 'violence' pretended in the absurd New York Times ad by fundamentalist christian extemists is totally fake at best! The real violence is committed by these religious zealots against loving families and vulnerable children.
--this blogpost is also reprinted at OpEdNews.com as an online editorial: