Thursday, February 17, 2005

Urge Reps to Reject Bush Budget!

Urge your reps in Washington to reject the President's Budget and instead support efforts to extend a helping hand to our most vulnerable neighbors!

The budget President Bush released on February 7 proposes record military spending and more tax cuts, yet it throws thousands of poor people off food stamps and slashes the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program which helps poor people pay their heating bills. This cold-hearted proposal comes at a time when the cost of electricity and heating fuel continues to rise and more people are living in, or at the edge, of poverty. And these are just two egregious examples in a budget riddled with cuts to healthcare programs, education funding, environmental protection and a whole host of successful programs.

All this at a time when the president is about to propose spending $80 billion more for the coming year's occupation of Iraq and borrowing trillions more dollars to privatize Social Security. Our government's budget should represent our national priorities. But Mr. Bush's priorities are in the wrong place and the consequence will be suffering for our most vulnerable neighbors.

Please reject this heartless expression of our collective goals, and vote instead to extend a helping hand to the least among us.

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planet patriot

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