Sunday, November 07, 2004

Progressives Unite!

Progressives unite!
We can no longer tolerate the deterioration of America into a corporatist, police state any longer. The right must be fought and organized against. The revolution begins now. Let's talk about it! Let's organize! Let's fight back!
posted by Planet Patriot at 4:32 PM

Leslie said...
I agree!
9:05 PM
Ladnar the Great said...
Missuse of power is the greatest evil and a disaster for the world. Corporate greed, fed by media mind contol over the masses prowling Walmart, has all investor's arms twisted behind their backs, making them afraid of "Rocking the Boat". Gathering support for fighting this insanity is not going to be as difficult as doing so without causing chaos. The revolution must appeal the the mind and good sense of the "normal" person, not just americans, but world wide. Nonviolence must be at the front of our campaign with the advent of a pacifist group capable of inspiring great emotion in preserving world resourses.
1:49 PM
Scott said...
The answer is in an open mind, honesty, sacrifice, strength, unity, peace, education, willingness, and Allah.
12:00 AM

1 comment:

Planet Patriot said...

i felt because this seemed to be a topic of interest i would repost it with all comments included.