Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Promised Land

Please view the new animation in the Sidebar Liberal Media theater:
It is a skillfully created rendition of the spirit of the inaugural of Barack Hussein Obama by our friend Mark Fiore (and we don't mean sending off persons to be tortured- for that you can look at other of his animations, to be sure- lol).

Thanks Mark, again!


Friday, January 16, 2009

Wise Words for Obama

"Some people bear three kinds of trouble—the ones they've had, the ones they have, and the ones they expect to have." -- H. G. Wells (historian and author, 1866-1946).

Best of Luck to your new administration!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oppose GODTV Now!

Deal with the evil Focus on the Family during their new cable phenom GOD TV premier with its creepy 'End Times' Month! Express your dismay on the airing of their 'ex-gay' Love Won Out conference, with its hateful anti-gay propanganda and distorted science.

Let's tell the truth! Watch this video and send it on (courtesy of Truth Wins Out- TWO):

BLOG ON, please. . .