Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Oppose Roberts Nomination!

After listening to Nina Totenberg's reportage on NPR of Robert's past legal writings while holding various positions at various times in repub White Houses and Justice Depts., it is more than clear that this guy is off the deep right wing end of the political pier! As already right wing his repub bosses were, he again and again urged them to take extreme hard line positions against affirmative action, environmental laws, voting rights and more. . .

We know more than enough to know that this guy is the wrong guy for the Supreme Court. We can't afford to have another right-wing ideologue on our nation's highest court.

Click on the Move On link on the sidebar to send your Senators a message opposing Roberts.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Rove Revelations

We now know White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove revealed the identity of a CIA operative, proving that he can’t be trusted with classified information. For the sake of national security and to protect America’s defenders in the line of fire, President Bush needs to revoke his security clearance and get him out of the White House before he leaks another secret.


In his State of the Union message in 2003, George Bush said that Saddam Hussein was trying to get uranium from Niger. In the following weeks, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson disclosed that he was sent to Niger by the CIA to look into this and had reported to top administration officials months before the speech that there was no Niger-Iraq uranium connection. In a discussion with a reporter at Time magazine about Wilson’s disclosure, Rove said that Wilson’s wife was the CIA operative who sent him to Niger. Three days later columnist Robert Novak published the fact that Plame was a CIA operative thus ending her career, possibly endangering her life and ending an important operation.

Knowing what we all do about the ethical laxity of Karl Rove, it can be assumed he was punishing Wilson for embarrassing the President. Yet, if Rove exposed Wilson’s wife, a covert member of the CIA’s weapons of mass destruction team, it would be an act of treason. Rove’s lawyer counters that he didn’t know she was a covert operative and didn’t mean any harm (yah right) . Either way his disclosure was dangerous to national security!